Hello Friend!

Welcome to “The Wit and Wisdom of a Sometimes Foolish Woman, also known as “A Sometimes Foolish Woman.”

Charlie Mackesy, author of “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse” in chatting to a friend, said that our imperfections make us interesting, real, “lived in”, human and approachable, therefore we don’t need to try so hard to hide them, we just have to learn to wear them well!

As we navigate our way through 2024, the good and the bad, come rest a while and celebrate, love, friendship, books, music and food.

I would like to invite you to contribute to this blog by offering suggestions, honest critique and if you would like to be a guest contributor, please feel free to contact me.

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything 
That’s how the light gets in

– Leonard Cohen

I am so grateful to my ever patient and loving husband, who encouraged me to write this blog.  Thank you

Bradley Millar of futureTECH for making this happen.  Your patience and sense of humour is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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  • Hi Gail

    We’ve yet to meet in person, but how strange that I feel that I’ve met you already! 🙂
    Looking forward to reading your blog entries, they seem to hold a warm and joyful celebration of life whilst no doubt noting the inevitable sadness that is part of this journey of life, too. Thank you!

    Kind Regards,
    Nina Bodisch

    • Gail Charalambous

      Darling Nina, we have met. I live across the road from Salvelio, I also advised you and assisted you when you went to the UK to do a stint of caring. Maybe we should meet up for a coffee date and have a long chat.

  • Michelle

    Gail you are like a breath of fresh air. Just love Leonard Cohen quote. Look forward to reading your next blogs.

    • Gail Charalambous

      Thank you so much. Yes, I love Leonard Cohen’s wisdom. Much love

  • Patricia Maqina

    Congratulations my dearest Gail, happy writings and I am looking forward to happy readings

  • Samantha

    Hi Gail, so excited to read your thoughts and insights. xx

  • Congratulations on your new blog, Gail. It’s going to be a wonderful outlet for you, and fun and inspiring to read for us!

  • Congratulations on the launch of your blog, dearest Gail!
    I wish you every success in this new Adventure…..and I wait in anticipation for Your Grandothers House!

  • Salvelio Meyer

    Well done Gail. Here’s wishing you a happy story telling journey and many more laughs…