The Three Wise Men

(or maybe they were women…)

The story of the Three Wise Men piques my curiosity, who were they and where did they actually come from and how many days did they have to travel, what was their journey like and how long did they stay in Bethlehem?

This year was no different, except something shifted – maybe, just maybe they were women, who lived in a village in Persia.

Samira, the creative, selfless, peacemaker, healer  and gifted in listening to people,  encouraged everyone  students and  villagers alike to create beautiful objects out of wood, clay and bits of twine. 

Bahar on the other hand was feisty, loud, loving, young people were drawn to her sincerity and honesty and her infinite wisdom and knowledge of the stars; and then there was Cyra older than the other two, she was the wise one, who also understood matters of the heart.

They were known throughout the region for ability to heal, dispense wisdom, logic, settle disputes and teach.  Many, many people consulted with them; younger men and women spent days, months even years learning from these wise women.  Not only were they well versed in Mathematics, Philosophy and Medicine, they were also keen astronomers.  The movement and composition of the sun, moon and stars interested them. On very clear nights the villagers would gather around the wise women and their students, (men and women who travelled from near and far), whilst they scanned the heavens as they mapped the composition and movement of stars, moon and other celestial bodies and how each had an effect on the changing of the seasons.  Sometimes one of the wise women would read aloud from ancient manuscripts, a firm favourite was from the book of Isaiah:

            “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,

            and the government will be on his shoulders.

            He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God.

            Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,

            Of the greatness of his government and peace

            there will be no end.

            He will reign on David’s throne

            and over his kingdom,

            establishing and upholding it

            with justice and righteousness.”

One clear, beautiful night whilst gazing upwards at the heavens, an unusually large and magnificent star appeared.  Everyone present gasped in wonderment and awe.  This was something so unusual.  Could it be that the appearance of the star or comet, was a fulfilment of an ancient prophesy, predicting the birth of a King?

The Wise Women started making preparations to undertake a journey by following the star to meet the new born King.

They were aware of the fact that that this was not going to be a quick or easy trip as they had to cover a distance of some 1200 miles along the trade routes.

Photo by Ryan Cheng on Unsplash

However, along with some of their students and some villagers they set off.  Travelling by a caravan of camels was slow and arduous.  Every 20 miles they stopped to set up an overnight camp to rest and feed camels and humans alike.

The mood amongst the Women and their party was joyful and buoyant, without hesitation or wavering in their quest to acquaint themselves with this King who was born to bring good news to the poor, lonely and downtrodden – certainly a philosophy that meant a great deal to our travellers from the East.

Upon arriving in Jerusalem they made their way to King Herod and asked where they could find the one born to be king – the one who was to be king of the Jews.  Herod did not make a point of meeting with a group of women, and was appalled at the thought, however, his aides suggested that they meet with them as they had some interesting information concerning the birth of a king.

This was most certainly disturbing news for everyone residing in Jerusalem. Before meeting with the visitors from the East, Herod consulted with the chief priests and teachers of the law, asking them where the Christ was to be born.

One of them responded by quoting from the Prophets

            “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah

            are by no means least

            among the rulers of Judah:

            for out of you will come a ruler

            who will be the Shepherd of my people Israel”

In a secret meeting with the wise women or Magi (a name by which our wise and noble travellers were known), Herod asked that they find this new born king and on their return journey report to him where they had found him, so that he too could go and worship him.

As soon as the Magi arrived in Bethlehem the very large and bright star led them to a stable where they found baby Jesus and his parents.

Overcome with joy and thanksgiving and with great humility they bowed down and worshipped baby Jesus as he lay nestled in his mother Mary’s arms. They brought with them many gifts of food, herbs, silks and linen, including gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The Wise Women and their party set up camp in a field close to where some shepherds were tending their sheep. While resting their camels, they spent time with Mary and Joseph and their infant son.  Sometimes they prepared meals for the little family and other times they looked after Jesus while his parents rested and caught up on some much needed sleep.

In a dream they were warned not to return to Jerusalem and comply with Herod’s request by reporting to him where he could find this new born King.

In an act of defiance they returned home another route.

Our travellers from the East agreed that their encounter with that little baby was a life-changing moment.

This piece is dedicated to my sister, sisters-in-law, cousins (mine and George’s), my goddaughters, my niece, as well as a group of wonderful women who are sisters of my heart.

You inspire me on a daily basis as you are the wise women in my life.

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  • Sanette Cavallari

    A marvel !!You are a true inspiration Gail…just last night Allegra was sharing with a Canadian family…the wisdom, laughter, politics, motherhood and joy she experiences on a daily basis from having you in her life!!! You inspire !

  • Really enjoyed reading about the Wise Women … trekking for days following a star and end up giving practical gifts (as women know how) including gold frankincense and myrrh !! 🤭

    • Gail Charalambous

      Thank you Paula, I had such fun writing this piece………..

  • Love this Gail.
    Yes and quite possible they were in fact women.
    Always love love reading your writing.

  • Food for thought.

  • Very interesting and thought provoking and really quite possible

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